After vaginoplasty there is a risk of vaginal stenosis or vaginal shrinking.
The vaginal expander may reduce this risk.
Causes of vaginoplasty: vaginal abnormalities, injuries, accident, oncological surgeries, etc...
Starting 8-15 days after surgery, the practitioner mayadvise a patient to start douching using a non-scented vaginal douche at least1-2 times per week, depending on the amount of vaginal discharge experienced.If the patient notices she is having a lot of vaginal discharge, it is recommendedto increase the douching schedule.
It is also very important to keep the external vaginadry. The patient can place an absorptive pad between the vaginal lips to absorbexcess moisture.
It is important that the patient feels comfortable when having sexual intercourse. It is recommended that she talks to her sexual partner about changes and side-effects that she experiences.
The patient can have sexual intercourse 2 weeks after the radiotherapy treatment ends, unless she experiences a lot of bleeding or pain. If the patient has sexual intercourse after radiotherapy, the use of the ZSI 200 NS Vaginal Expander might not be necessary.
The use of ZSI 200 NS should be resumed as soon as the patient stops having sexual intercourse regularly (or any other penetration into the vagina).